( This is a word trademarked by my wife. Said 'splih-dow'... meaning, Holy Poop! Awesome! Woo Hoo! )
I just SOLD a broken down black and white 13" TV on Craigslist for Eight thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Three Dollars and no cents!
Thats right, "no cents" 'cuz why would anyone buy this broken down dust bunnie circa 1978 no signal TV that acts like it's from the movie Poltergeist?
Frankly, I don't know why they would and I don't care as long as they pay for it...and they have.
I have a bank check here to prove that they did. As a matter of fact, I have two checks here for the TV, both for the same amount, but from different people who realllly want it. That's right...now I have $17,660.00 for the same Brady Bunch TV.
The 'buyer' only wants to give me $100 dollars for the TV, but they are going to pay me $3000 in shipping and handling. I mean, are they going to ship it to the moon? And what type of handling do they want me to do with it? [I'm a gentleman and don't do those types of things BTW. : ) ]
Really, all I have to do for my payment is give them the $5,730 back in cash. :(
I buy and sell a lot of things on Craigslist. I guess you can call it a hobby of mine...collecting checks from the Nigerian Buyers Club. :)
"What" you don't know of this 'club' is that it's a group of people in Nigeria made up of LEACHES who sit in internet cafes and think up ways to get your money. These people loving sucking the life out of people by buying stuff on Craigslist and then offering more then you could have ever dreamed off for the item ,giving you this amazing amount for shipping and handling. Then they say, "Our shipping company has to pick up some other things along with the item I am buying from you. You will just pay them for the entire shipping fee as long as you can give whoever is picking up the items the difference back in CASH."
"WOOOOAH there, Silver!" You're telling me that I have to give Tonto, the loyal sidekick to the Lone STRANGER, back some serious Benjamins in cold hard CASH???!??!
"OK, Alex, I will take "Scams People Actually FAll For for $500!"
My point of this post is to make sure everyone is aware of these scams. My neighbor almost fell for it, so I am sure many others are falling for it too. In this day and age, with the economy the way it is, people are actually offering to pay a lot LESS for things, like $10 dollars for a 2008 Dodge RT Challenger, not MORE. ...not saying that I have a Challenger to sell, but if anyone wants to sell a 2008 Dodge RT Challenger to me for $10, I would be happy to take it off your hands and pay you the $10. :)
When someone answers your ad and calls, emails or sends you a Ding-Dong telegram, offering more than you'd ever expect in your wildest dreams and they want to send you a certified cashiers check and want you to give someone you never met CASH,... Pinch yourself, smack your head on the table, splash some water on your face and wake up! because the dream is a nightmare in sheep's clothing.
Like I said, I do use Craigslist to buy and sell items and it is a wonderfull site that doesn't charge any fees, BUT please be careful! :)
PS: I am selling a slighty used toliet and looking to get about $30,00o.oo for it. Please email me if you know of any Nigerians who might be interested. :)

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This happened to me once when I was selling AVON. This is a great post, thanks for sharing.
Well TG YOU at least know what a scam these things are. They prey on older folks and apparently make a lot of money or they wouldn't still be doing it.
I'd frame those lovely Nigerian Scam Club check if I were you :)
Carolyn, a Jersey Girl
LOL Well perhaps you could use those checks as "paper" and leave them in the toilets for the pickup.
Monopoly money work????
Yes, so many scams out there that you do have to be careful on what you hear and read.
Haha, I was amazed and wondering what was so special about your TV before I finished reading. I've had those emails as well.. They always want to give me lots of money for something. :)
who would ever want to get rid of a baby blue toilet with a wooden seat? it's a stunner! ;)
I get offers from them on a regular basis. Its a good thing I don't get excited about their large orders and their millions to exchange from doctor, diplomat, whoever.
Oh, Mikiep...Thank God!
Yer finally really getting rid of those ugly old toilets??!?!? LOL
That's amazing.. Though what's more amazing is how many people fall for that kind of scam :(
Wow...I had no clue this was going on, thanks for making us more aware. One more thing...BLUE toilet!!...how old is that relic????
HAH! i thought you were totally serious first. i was thinking, "what a nut, he's got to be kidding me." hilarious!
Great post!! I live in Costa Rica, and every day I receive a mail that say that somebody in I dont know where win a lottery but for the laws there they can cash the price, so if you want a Million dollars you have to sent them money and bla bla bla. Amazing how there is people who belive in this type of things.
Is that teal toilet for real?!? That just might be worth $3k!!
For a moment, right at the beginning, you had me fooled! I couldn't figure out why on earth someone would pay so much for a TV, haha.
Wow this seriously made my day :)
this also happened to a friend of mine who almost fell for it...this is crazy and they should be stopped...
Scams- so frustrating. I just want a real task I can make a decent living at and do it from home! Scammers - SCAT!
Beautiful photos.
oh yes. I also am a fan of Craigslist-having sold many items there. I also have received such generous offers. Chances are they are more likely in the Virgin Islands sitting at their laptops sipping Mai Tai's :D Great post, that I am sure will help many!
Well, I don't need to sell things on Craig's List because I've got distant relatives all over the world that keep dying and leaving me all their money, plus I am winning the lotteries in all these obscure countries. It's awesome. I think I'm up to about 593.684 bajillion dollars now. All I need to do is contact a few Nigerian lawyers and e-mail them all my banking info so they can wire me the money! Pretty sweet deal, eh?
Holy cow, Mike, how did you get up to 109 followers so fast? That's awesome! The word must be out about how entertaining your blogs are. The blog looks great, BTW. I see you added the third column. And I love the header image!
Oh my gosh!!! That was hilarious! I had to read it to everyone in the room!!! Thanks for the education! tee-hee!
Oh, you had me going there for a while. I thought the twist was going to be that your TV was made out of solid gold or something!
My sister was renting out her house for a week on Craiglist and was duped by this, too. Thank goodness they have brains and they realized it was a scam. Scary!
Fun post to read!!!
I LOVE Craigslist. I'm not much for buying and selling there, but it does provide me with endless entertainment. I especially love the personals. I am not single, nor am I looking to meet anyone on the side. I simply enjoy reading about what other people are looking for. It's usually pretty shocking, and almost always comical. The missed connections are my favorite.
You should get someone ELSE to cash the check, take the money and maybe they will take you on Judge Judy to sue you for the money. Then you can tell Judge Judy you already spent the money and insist that you don't have to give it back anyway because YOU were scammed, too.
Yeah. I leave the TV on while I knit. Maybe I should get some audiobooks instead.
That deal is almost as good as the fact that I was recently contacted by a lawyer for a Prince that left ME all his money! I mean, come on! Have I got good luck or what? And apparently, there are lots of royal members out there who really want me to have their fortunes because they are very very sick! Well, I AM a pretty good and responsible person...
Glad to see you putting this in people's line of sight. Not everyone is aware of all that crap out there or as cynical as some of us!
Wow, very very interesting!
it always amazes me when people fall for this stuff :D
LOL ;) when you read MOCK UP STOrIES LIKE THIS!
... i am an architect, ARTIST and designer, and my hubby is a scientist, WITH A HUGE EYE, TOOO. what i have learned over the years and from him... you always should check the FACTS. ... now YOU WANT TO KNOW what is WRONG WITH THE STORY.
SIMPLE > the dates on the CHECKS! HAHA
...............2006! .... 3 YEARS AGO!
HAVE A GREAT SALE in the future! %OOOOOO lol
kris from mr uxn design
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